
Committee members are volunteers and appointed per the GVHS bylaws.   The GVHS Executive Director is the liaison between the members, committees and Board of Directors to ensure the flow of communication.  All committee members must agree to abide by and sign the Committee Code of Ethics

To volunteer for a GVHS committee complete Membership Services to the Organization form and email it to   These forms are reviewed by the President and the BOD.  If you are selected for a committee you will be notified.  If not selected at this time your form will be kept on file for future consideration.

Finance Committee
Denise Krause*
Barbara Snyder
Gale Rempel
Angela Wiggs
Registration Committee
Gale Rempel-alternate
Rita Susgin
Mandy Kramar
Carol Dunbar
Katie Dolan
CJ Vansickle
Publications Committee
Katherine Mutti
Ky Kelly
Melanie Kucera
Barb Elliott
Licensed Officials Committee
Jill Paxton
Allison Farrell
Gale Rempel
Julie Usoff
Debbie Webster
Rebecca VanTassel (Judge’s Newsletter)
Grievance Committee
Denise Shaw
Chad Allen
Allison Farrell
Kathy Mutti*
Lee Brackman
Rules & Bylaws Committee
Allison Farrell
Melanie Kucera
Samantha Crook*
Lamar Ingulli
Kat Wiegand
Chad Allen
Shows Committee
Samantha Vansickle*
Misha Duvernoy*
Kat Wiegand 
Rebecca VanTassel
Kari Newman
Julie Usoff
Alan Johnson
Denise Krause (advisor to shows)
Evaluations Committee
Barb Elliott
Gale Rempel*
Kate Walls
Gillian Muir
Angela Wiggs
Mktg & Public Relations
Kate Walls
Evaline Morley
Samantha VanSickle
Michele Shepherd
Katie Dolan
Youth Committee
Misha Duvernoy*
Butch Watson
Michele Shepherd
Anita Stickler
Sophie Foy
Arianna Collins
Evelena Brackman
Claire Welder

Nominations Committee
Samantha Crook*
Kate Walls*
Levi Himmelrick
Jean Blackmer
Lamar Ingulli
Animal Welfare and Unsportsmanslike Conduct Committee
Rebecca Van Tassel*
Tracey Osborn
Allison Farrell
Gillian Muir
Bill Roy


Regional Representatives
Coming soon….