Germantown Charity Horse Show
Germantown Charity Horse Show Grounds Germantown, TN, United StatesGVHS Points Qualifying Show APPROVED Judges: Ronald Bartholomew and Nancy Swarm
Phone: 888-520-9777
Email: gvhs@vanners.orgGVHS Points Qualifying Show APPROVED Judges: Ronald Bartholomew and Nancy Swarm
GVHS Points Qualifying Show APPROVED Judges: Alex Longares and Jim Vernon
GVHS Points Qualified Show APPROVED Judges: Lauren Maddox and Alex Longares Dressage Judge: Susan Posner
GVHS Points Qualified Show APPROVED Judges: Michael Greathouse & Joe Frank Brown
GVHS Points Qualified Show APPROVED Judges: Michael Schmidt and Jim Vernon
GVHS Points Qualifying Show APPROVED Judges: Laura Stevens and Sandy Croote
GVHS Points Qualified Show APPROVED Judges: Clifford Swanson and BJ LeMaster
GVHS Points Qualified Show *PENDING* Judges: TBA
GHVS Points Qualified Show APPROVED Judges: Alex Longares and Karen Doby
GVHS Points Qualifying Show APPROVED Judges: Jennifer Sawyer and Alice Barlow-Calhoun
GVHS Points Qualified Show APPROVED Judges: Lynn Palm and Jill Paxton
GVHS Points Approved Show APPROVED Judge: Chris Bickford