BOD Nominees

Nominees for Board of Directors, term starting January 1, 2024.   Two (2) positions are available.


Summary of Nominees (list is alphabetical by last name):

Samantha Crook – Oklahoma; Member since 2016; Owns 8 registered Gypsy Vanners; Shows, Committees, Annual Meeting

Mindy Davis – Mississippi; Member since 2019; Owns 2 registered Gypsy Vanners; Shows, Committees, Annual Meeting

Samantha VanSickle – California; Member since 2012; Owns 21 registered Gypsy Vanners; current Vice President & Board Member; Shows; Committees; Annual Meeting; Evaluations; Educational Seminars

Samantha Crook

I have worked with non profit organizations for over 20 years. I am very familiar with 501c3 and 501c5 organizations. As president of the Courage Initiative Gypsy Vanner Outreach, Inc. I have raised over $200,000.00 for their program. I have learned important aspects researching 501c 5 organizations over the past 6 years. I have the
ability to set goals, communicate and plan strategically in multidisciplinary actions. I was previously a member of the GVHS Board of Directors in 2016. I currently serve on several GVHS committees. I have attended numerous GVHS events throughout the 9
years of my membership including shows, judges training seminars, breeding seminars, evaluations & annual meetings. I attend non-profit seminars on a regular annual basis.

The purpose for GVHS is to promote the social welfare of the horse through agricultural and educational oversight & development. The organizations members and registrations have tremendously increased over the last 4 years. I believe we must continue to educate our members, judges, evaluators, international sister organizations
and the public while maintaining our goals, values and ethics in good standing. The managing body of this corporation is vested in its Board of Directors and such committees. (ref. GVHS Art. of Inc. pg.2).

I believe the GVHS board needs to be transparent to members and committees as education and communication are key factors to obtain a happy, productive and successful organization. I would like to see standards for excellence with a diversified board educated in marketing, finance, leadership, networking, development and schematics. Approaching improvement with intention through training, consulting,
advocacy, membership, networking and awards with a strong foundation of community assets throughout the organization. With over 1000 members and 11,000 horses registered, GVHS has the resources to be one of the largest non profit organizations in the state of Texas.

I have a strategic plan for this organization that encompasses all members and their values extending our regional and community resources. As the oldest and possibly largest breed registry in the world for these horses, we have the responsibility to set the bar and we can only do this by clearly defining, maintaining, rewarding, and building
improvement and excellence within the breed while at the same time growing and building a well-educated and successful owner/breeder base within the membership I have successfully served for many years on numerous non profit boards and committees showing competency in integrity, ethics and trustworthiness.

In early 2000, I spearheaded a medical project by led by Imtec Imaging, Kodak & G.E that enlightened the medical industry in 3D cone beam technology by power point presentation to the US Army & the Marine medical headquarters. I have marketed events and managed tight budgets for companies increasing revenue up to 59%. I implemented comprehensive marketing plans that promoted services while increasing
outreach by 35%. For over 20 years I have successfully owned my own businesses managing 3 company stores, employees and inventory with budgets over $500,000.00. I no longer own those entities as my passion has changed since I discovered the Vanner breed in 2014. I own 12 including all 3 sizes. Born in southern Oklahoma I have been a
part of agriculture and raised livestock my entire life. I am an advocate for community programs to further our resources as a non profit. I possess an elementary education degree as well as certification in paralegal/legal assisting, and Interior Design.

My experience with non profits includes:
1. President-Courage Initiative Gypsy Vanner Outreach Inc. Non-profit 501c(3) founder
2. GVHS Rules, Bi-Laws and Grievance Committee Member
3. Former member of the GVHS Board of Directors
4. Former BOD Ardmore Tourism Authority
5. Former BOD Boys & Girls Club
6. Former BOD Ardmore Main Street Authority
7. Former member of Texas Association for Non profit Organizations

I love this breed and the aura these horses possess. I believe this breed is the most personable and one of the most versatile breeds. I hope you will consider my credentials and my vote for the Board of Directors for the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society. I believe I possess the necessary skills and knowledge to represent you; the members of the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society.
Samantha Crook

Strategic Planning – Fund Raising – Registration of Breed    Advertising/Marketing – Bylaws Development – Information Technology Membership Recruiting – Special Event Planning -Website Development Robert’s Rule of Order – Financial Management – Organizational Development – Public & Media Relations – Business & Contract Law  Hiring & Evaluating Personnel – Gypsy Vanner Evaluations





Mindy Davis

Mindy Davis VP of Logistcs – Medallion Transport & Logistics
My husband and I owned a Trucking company; sold it to Medallion a few years ago. I manage the operations with 23 dispatchers, my husband is the sales manager.

I reside in North Mississippi with my husband of 15 years-Don; we have 4 sons, 4 grandsons and 2 granddaughters. Currently own 2 Gypsy Vanner Horses; I have participated in numerous organizations, both profit and non-profit. I have authored By-Laws for a non-profit, with over 500 members. Team member of a group that created a 501c3 Horse Rescue Charity.

I have been a member of GVHS since 2019; working on a couple of GVHS commitees during these last 2 years. This commitee experience has given me great insight into GVHS. With my extensive work and volunteer experience I feel I will be an asset to GVHS.

GVHS was originally founded to preserve the Gypsy Vanner Horse, with respect and honor the words of the Gypsy families who dedicated their lives to these beautiful animals. I want to help continue with this mission for the society.

The GVHS Board of Directors over the last 26 years have created a strong horse registry; I want to be part of the continued growth and recognition of the Gypsy Vanner Horse. The Society works with show managers to assist the members/owners to have an outlet for the breed; this allows everyone to meet and learn about our horses. I want to be a conduit working with Members, Board of Directors and Officers to continue working through the challenges facing our members. As well as working with members that simply desire to trail ride or breed their horses.

Why do you want to be a member of GVHS ?
I want to work as a TEAM with the Members/Board of Directors/Officers to help answer this ongoing question our members have.

Strategic Planning – Fund Raising – Registration of Breed                Advertising/Marketing – Bylaws Development -Information Technology  Membership Recruiting – Special Event Planning – Website Development – Robert’s Rule of Order – Financial Management    Organizational Development – Public & Media Relations – Business & Contract Law – Hiring & Evaluating Personnel


Samantha VanSickle

My name is Samantha VanSickle, and I am a lifelong equine professional with a true passion for the Gypsy Vanner breed. I met my first Gypsy Vanner at 12 years old- a “love at first sight” memory that I will always cherish. Like many of you, I feel honored to share my life with this incredible breed and I look forward to its future.

It is exciting to see our breed growing, evolving and touching the hearts of all who meet these wonderful horses! I believe that when you are passionate about something, it is important to volunteer your time and unique talents to that cause. I feel strongly that we as members should
support the organization that also supports us. I have enjoyed the benefits of being a member of the GVHS for well over a decade and I am honored for the opportunity to do my part to give back to the community that is such a central part of my life.

I offer to the GVHS Board my organizational and marketing experience, my show background and knowledge of our breed standard, my enthusiasm, and my time. Honesty, integrity, dedication, and altruism-these are the core values that I was raised with, and they remain at the center of both my professional and my personal life. This I also bring to our organization as a Board Member, for any task I undertake.

After serving for the past three years on the GVHS BOD I have a new found appreciation for all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. So much time, effort and thought go into the development of new and exciting programs for our members.

In the last three years alone, we have seen the inception of the Lifetime Achievement Awards, the year-end amateur division that went from being combined, to now having the WT and WTC divisions recognized and the same with the youth division. We have started with the Amateur owner division and will be continuing to grow and evolve that division with the help and input of our members. We have seen record growth in shows, registrations, transfers and memberships and we are on the cusp of unveiling some amazing things to benefit our members and their programs.

It has been an honor and a privilege to assist with these milestones these last few years and I would love the opportunity to continue to serve the membership.

With the growth of any organization comes challenges as well as rewards. As a Board Member, I look forward to helping integrate new ideas and programs to meet the unique requests and needs of our
members. Serving our membership is key, still upholding the requirements and ideals central to the organization, and while allowing for the growth and future success of our beloved breed.

The GVHS has accomplished so much- raised the bar in professionalism, afforded opportunities to showcase our horses, provided us with an invaluable database and demonstrated steadfast commitment to the Gypsy Vanner breed. I am extremely proud of the GVHS organization, and feel it is worthy of the same support and dedication shown to all of us as members. Working together towards our common goals, there is no limit to what we can achieve! Thank you for this opportunity to present my background and for your consideration!

Samantha VanSickle

Strategic Planning – Fund Raising – Registration of Breed                Advertising/Marketing – Bylaws Development -Information Technology  Membership Recruiting – Special Event Planning – Writing/Journalism  Robert’s Rule of Order – Financial Management – Organizational Development – Public & Media Relations – Hiring & Evaluating Personnel – Gypsy Vanner Evaluations